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Why should we buy from AVAT rather than dealing directly with factories or distributors?

  • Most of the times when dealing with the factories, they will require the substantial minimum quantity for the limited variety of brands and products for you to choose from. We come into the pictures for facilitating our clients to be able to select many available brands or items they prefer to import without that restriction.
  • We consolidate and source products directly from the manufacturers and the main distributors / dealers helping our clients as a one-stop-shop without hassels of several correspondances, paperworks, different bill of ladings or airway bills, invoices, packing lists, and appointing arrangements for the shipment.
  • There are many cases where larger organisation could not manage to handle the loading with cares because of many people involved but not the sale persons who deal with you. With AVAT we treat your goods as if we were the one importing them. We understand the long wait and patience as well as cost effective loading desires that our clients would like to have. Therefore, we particularly pay high attention to the shortest delivery lead-time once order is placed and closed discussion with our clients on stock status update as well as methods of loading their products.
  • We do not require minimum order from our clients, however, importing in retail quantity can be higher cost as prices are always based on quantity purchase. Lower amount of order can incur bank fees and higher proportion of shipping cost.

What is your delivery lead-time once placing an order?

  • Approximately within 30 - 60 days for the products locally sourced from Thailand (or earlier).
  • Approximately within 3-5 months for the products sourced from overseas (or earlier).

I would like to import auto spare parts from you. How do I do?
  • First, please email to us with the list of items you require providing OEM part numbers and quantity for the quotation.
  • Alternatively providing car models and specification in case OEM part numbers cannot be provided. However, OEM part numbers is the most helpful for our transaction because it will assist us to supply you the products at most accuracy.
  • Giving the required quantity, it will enable us to quote you at our best available exporting prices as well as estimating the delivery lead-time. Plus, we will then be able to calculate the rough estimation of the total dimension size of the goods for you to consider the best mode of shipment either by air freight, LCL or FCL. 

Can I make a payment by PayPal or Visa or Master Card?
  • We only accept T/T remittance directly to our bank account as we are a registred exporting company.
  • Most of our transactions are based on minimal volume basis although it will be much less quantity than having to deal directly with the factories (most of the time container load order for whatever they produce), bank transferred payment is our essential and most economical for our clients to wire it in.  

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